Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Aaron Strout's Random Musings

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UPDATED 0n 12/3: For those wanting to see the PPT I put together for the "Let's Get Social" presentation I referenced during my podcast, you can see it on Slideshare.


  1. Aaron:

    Thanks for coming to your first Austin Social Media Breakfast yesterday morning. Hope you had the chance to talk to a number of the "movers and shakers."

    Netflix live streaming is something I hadn't tried out yet. We're just reactivated our account, so I'm going to hop right on that.

    Willing to share your "Get Social" slides?

    Bryan Person | @BryanPerson

  2. Bryan - my pleasure. It was a lot of fun meeting some of the Austin folks I've followed for a while on Twitter like @twalk and @mikechapman. Can't wait for the next one!

    You'll love Netflix streaming. It's an awesome service.

    Regarding my "Let's Get Social" PPT, I'm happy to share. I may see if I can get it up on SlideShare today. If I do, I'll tweet and link to it from this article.
