Monday, June 7, 2010

Surrounded by Smart People

This morning, we announced some very exciting news. Yes, Valeria Maltoni aka Conversation Agent (@ConversationAge on Twitter) has joined the company that I work for, Powered, as director of Strategy. In addition to being one of AdAge's top 50 marketing bloggers, we've added a witty, hard working brand marketer to a fold that already included a few smarties.

While I'll let Valeria's work speak for itself (she is a must read if you don't have her in your blog reader or Tweetdeck yet), you should also know about several other smarties we have at Powered. Some are pretty well known, others are "soon to be" well known. Here is a list of who they are and where you can find them on Twitter and in the blogosphere (alphabetically):
Yup, I'm pretty lucky. Now you know when you read this blog, follow me on Twitter or listen to my podcast that I'm just trying to keep up with my colleagues!

post script: I realized after I posted this that while the 10 people I highlighted will likely be happy for the love, the 70 other people I work with may feel like I'm slighting them. This couldn't be further from the truth. To clarify, I tried to call out people at Powered that were regular bloggers (I'm sure I missed a couple of folks). I have nothing but love and respect for the rest of my VERY smart colleagues. 


  1. Very exciting news. What a snag, Powered! Congratulations to your team! Looking forward to seeing yet more concrete, comprehensive social business direction with Val on board.

  2. Thank you for the warm welcome, Aaron and for listing many members of the team active on blogs and social networks. I look forward to meeting everyone at Powered.

  3. It is very exciting news. I am very curious to know more about social business direction. It is really very inspiring.
