Friday, March 26, 2010

Five Minutes of Me: Why I Like Plancast

I've decided to start a new podcast series. I don't have a regular schedule but 2-3 times a week I want to start recording five minute blurbs about things I'm thinking about (or follow ups to conversations I've had with folks). The working title of this series is Five Minutes of Me (I'm also testing auto-syndication to this blog, Facebook and Posterous).

Yesterday, I did my second installment (1st was for AdVerve on location-based services: my segment is about 43 minutes in) and it focuses on reasons I like the new "planning" application/service called Plancast. Think of it as FourSquare but in the future. Two reasons why it works for me (Kyle Flaherty take note):
  1. I follow the right people -- and they happen to be people that I actually know
  2. I've subscribed to the digest which is essentially an itinerary of cool things to do
If you like Plancast or hate it (or fall somewhere in between), let me know why in the comments below.


  1. thanks for this review of Plancast --- annnd using iPadio. Were you doing this from you iPhone?

    I just started using plancast for my trip to SXSW for the same reason you mentioned in this podcast.

  2. Deb - that's so funny. I just tweeted you about iPadio but hadn't seen your comment yet. And yes, I did make this recording from my iPhone. Pretty clean, eh?

    As for Plancast, really digging on it. ;)

  3. Aaron: Glad you're digging iPadio. I use it on occasion, too. I also use it to record interviews by phone. It works well, complete with the English-sounding gentleman thanking you for your recording.

  4. Aaron -

    Ditto you on Plancast - it's one of my favorite new tools in my ever growing social media toolkit for these reasons:

    (1) Simple, quick way to publish my schedule out to my other soc nets (couldn't do this w/ MySXSW and not a big TripIt user so far)

    (2) Fantastic way to curate and find out about quality events and activities,

    (3) Now that they've got the iPhone app - its a great calendar extension on my phone.

    (4) Best of all - as you stated above, following people that you know allows you to keep up beyond 140 characters and make plans for interesting meetups.

    Speaking of, we need to host a Pool 3.0 one of these days ;)

    Look forward to more "5 minutes of you" - best,

  5. Kyle - nicely done. Just went over and commented on your response post. You bring up some excellent points.

    Michelle - thanks for chiming in and reinforcing the points RE why I love Plancast. As for a Pool 3.0 party, maybe Blogworld Expo is the right place for that?

  6. nice and informative post to read

    -asif raza
