At today's Inbound Marketing Summit in Foxborough, MA, we got to hear from Jenny as she talked about how she and the company she works for, Eastman Kodak (heard of them -- yup, they were they invented the digital camera). She only had 20 minutes to talk but she covered some cool topics. Here are a few pulled straight from the #ims09 Twitter stream:
- @pgillin: @KodakCB says Twitter helps Kodak sell high-end equipment to businesses. #ims09
- @rhappe: Simple & effective idea for convincing execs - give them a beta/comp of the types of things you are planning #ims09
- @MSchechter Brand, schmand... You can't develop a relationship with a brand, only with a person. #ims09
- @justinlevy: Use twitter for product development. Kodak did when it made the Zi8. #ims09
- @eWayDirect: @kodakcb tells us they will be hiring a chief listener #ims09 - interesting potential new role at other big companies
- @miketrap: Kodak Chief Blogger: "I'm not shy about my personal life. I'm really all puppies and cupcakes, which works for the brand." #ims09
- @jayatkins: Kodak connects with their audience on multiple platforms - check it out #ims09
What I can tell you is that Kodak (a Powered Inc. client) is a smart bunch and Jenny is a clear example of their social prowess. If you don't follow them @KodakCB, their CMO, @JeffreyHayzlett or their director of digital, @TomHoehn, you should.
If you want to check out the scrap booking community that we just launched for them, you can see it here:
Jenny Cisney is adorable. She has all the right be called the chief! And I'm glad she works for Kodak.