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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"It's Social Marketing B#tch"
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Thoughts on Un-Follows/Qwitter
I had someone stop following me this weekend (no big deal, it happens all the time). As I was going in to in-follow them back -- a standard practice unless the person is someone I've chosen to follow -- I noticed that this person's most recent tweet was a little snarky regarding all the reciprocal in-follows that ensued. I sent a message to this person asking what they expected when they decided to "leave the conversation." The rest of the story and my thoughts on un-following are in the attached Uttercast.
What do you think?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Three Reasons I Love Being a Dad
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Friday, November 21, 2008
It's Time for Big Brands to Engage!
For starters, Cone's report tells us that almost 60% of Americans interact with companies on a social media Web site, and one in four interact more than once per week. More importantly, the study shows that 93% of Americans believe a company should have a presence in social media, while 85% believe a company should not only be present, but should also interact with its consumers via social media.
If that's not enough to whet big brand's appetites:
- 56% of American consumers feel both a stronger connection with, and better served by, companies when they can interact with them in a social media environment.
- 43% say that companies should use social networks to solve my problems
- 41% want companies to solicit feedback on their products and services
- 37% feel that companies should develop new ways for consumers to interact with their brand
- 33% of men and 17% of women interact frequently (one or more times per week) with companies via social media
I don't know about you but if I'm the CMO of a big brand, I'm looking at these numbers and shaking my head. What? You mean my customers actually want to talk to me using social media? Yup, they do. And they are already doing it with some of the other big brands they know and love like Starbucks, HP, Saturn and Sony.
So guess what Ms. or Mr. CMO, you have two choices at this point. You can continue to ignore social media and hope that smart people like Cone Research are wrong (hint: if Cone is wrong, so are the same smart folks at Forrester Research, Gartner, Sirius Decisions and Deloitte) OR they can embrace the "Groundswell" and start to think about a social media strategy and implementation plan in 2009.
Thanks to the folks at Cone for continuing to provide great research in this space. For more information on the Cone Research study, please visit their site.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Interesting Posts on Social Marketing
A 22-step plan to improve your social marketing
By Steve Lewis
Social marketing may be relatively new, but a number of organizations have already established themselves as leaders — and there is much you can learn from them, says Peter Kim, a senior partner at Dachis Corporation. ...
Wal-Mart Doesn't Get Social Marketing
Now for all the talk recently of Wal-Mart getting on the Web 2.0, social media band wagon, how far they've come, and how well they understand this new brand of marketing, Wal-Mart has just proven they don't get it, at all. ...
Social Media Impacts Ad Agency New Business
By Michael Gass
Social Marketing gives marketers the ability to measure the bottom-line impact of every marketingactivity, to quantify the impact of changes to marketing budgets, and to demonstrate marketing’s impact on revenue. ...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Should Brands Take Part in 3rd Party Communities?
Rather than bog down the rest of my colleagues with lots of text, I thought about getting my thoughts down in an Utter-cast. What do you think? Should companies participate in third party communities instead of building their own? Should they only build their own and eschew third party efforts? As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts...
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Social Marketing ROI: Ignore At Your Own Peril
What I liked about our discussion was the fact that Paul, Jeremy and I were all completely aligned. While we appreciate the "Clue Train" mantra that many folks cite these days about social media/social marketing being able to put a "human face" on a company, at the end of the day a company needs to be able to be capable of demonstrating real results from their social efforts. What this doesn't mean is that the two goals need to be mutually exclusive and in fact, when done correctly, a company can enjoy greater results by being human AND tapping into the power of social
This is reinforced by what we're seeing in terms of results from some of the companies that our company, Powered, helps our customers enjoy (yes, I know I promised I wouldn't talk too much about Powered but the results we're seeing from our customers social marketing/elearning programs reinforce my point). As we wrap up our annual ROI report, here are just a few of the preliminary results our customers experienced in 2008.
Of our customers' web site visitors who participated in one of our "Powered" learning centers/managed communities:
- 92% would recommend our customers' site to a friend
- 95% would visit our customers' site again
- 85% would recommend our customers' brand to a friend
- 66% would be more likely to purchase from our customers' brand
- 63% have a more positive view of our customers' brand
Yeah, I was impressed when I first saw these numbers too, but what I really liked was the fact that our account services and content teams here make a point of regularly encouraging our customers to be open, honest and transparent with their customers. One might think this is a no brainer given the fact that our customers are investing time and money into these programs but that's not always the case (as evidenced by Gartner's recent report). Even better, most of our clients actually listen to us.
So is your company measuring ROI around its community efforts? Does your community tie to specific business goals like engagement, loyalty, purchase intent or other traditional marketing metrics? If not, you may want to start thinking that way. While it's important to put a human face on your brand (and that can likely be the BIGGEST area of impact for your company), having measurable programs will be critical in helping protect your social marketing/social media programs in tough times while the world sorts through its current credit/financial mess.
If you have examples of companies that are doing a great job of growing and measuring their "social" efforts, please include in the comments below.
Cross-posted on
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Why My Move from Boston to Austin is No Big Deal
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
Need Your Advice on Upcoming Webinars
- Content & Conversations: Engaging Your Customers Online - this is an almost real webinar that will involve Forrester Analyst, Jeremiah Owyang and Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, Ann Handley. The tentative date is December 16th at 2:00 PM ET. Details/registration link to follow.
- Building a Business Case for Social Marketing
- Content your Customers Care About
- Crossing the Chasm of Consumer Consideration (like the aliteration?)
- Tapping the Power of Social in a Regulated Environement (hello financial services & pharma)
- Social Marketing: This ROI Sounds Too Good to Be True!
- Moving Beyond Pageviews: Measuring Real Customer Engagement
- Social Marketing: 5 Pitfalls to Avoid
- 2008 Social Marketing ROI Report (this one's happening whether you like it or not so get over it!)
- Social Marketing: What's in it for Me? What's in it for my Customers?
- Integrating Social Into your Traditional Marketing Mix
- Got Content? If You Do, Is it Driving the Results?
- 10 Ways to Insure Your Social Marketing Plan Succeeds
- Top 5 Reasons Your Company Can't Ignore Social Marketing
- Increasing Customer Retention During a Down Market
- Social Marketing Explained: The Bottom Line on Your Bottom Line
- A Brand's "Place" in the World of Social
- Benefits of "Managed" vs. "Un-managed" Online Community Solutions
Monday, November 10, 2008
How web 2.0 technology changes everything!
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Why CMOs Don't Engage in Social Media
- With a team reporting into you, you spend A LOT of time making sure everyone is coordinated and getting the support they need. Fortunately, my new team rocks!
- Lots more meetings. There's CEO Staff, marketing staff, one on ones, weekly status meetings, etc.
- Overseeing a function within an organization requires a lot of planning, strategy, measurement and execution. I've spent many hours this week just reviewing PPTs.
With that said, there is NO excuse for CMOs not to participate in social media. In fact, it's more important now than ever. At the end of the day, it's about discipline and MAKING the time.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
LinkedIn Goes Facebook
Today we're announcing many more ways to interact with your network on LinkedIn. Whether it's a new way to create projects and collaborate, share information, customize your profile, or gain key insights, the new LinkedIn Applications deliver.
Click here and you'll be able to add applications that enable you to:
Work collaboratively with your network.
- Box on LinkedIn: Share files and collaborate with your network.
- Huddle on LinkedIn: Private workspaces to collaborate with your network on projects.
Share information and keep up to date with your network.
- Amazon on LinkedIn: Discover what your network is reading.
- TripIt on LinkedIn: See where your network is traveling.
- SixApart on LinkedIn: Stay up to date with your network's latest blog posts.
Present yourself and your work in new ways.
- Google Docs on LinkedIn: Embed a presentation on your profile.
- SlideShare on LinkedIn: Share, view and comment on presentations from your network.
- WordPress on LinkedIn: Promote your blog and latest posts.
Gain key insights that will make you more effective.
- Company Buzz by LinkedIn: See what people are saying about your company.
If you want to check out these features, here's the link.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
How Yammer Helps New Employees
- Almost everyone at Powered is already on
- Out of the 72 (out of 75) people that are on, almost all have a profile pic and a job title
- Once you sign up, you can go back in history to see what people have talked about
- I can immediately get a sense of who the internal subject matter experts are
- My boss (our CEO), our head of sales and our CFO are all on Yammer and they use it